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What we believe - image of bible open in Psalms

What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe God loved the world so much that He gave his only Son to take the penalty of our sin that we might be adopted into his family and spend forever in heaven with him.

We believe that God loves YOU so much and has an awesome plan for your life. We’d love to help you discover your life purpose and why you were created.

Vision and Values

Our Vision

With God’s help, to build a strong, healthy and vibrant local church that will be an expression, resource and influence for the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission

To make Jesus known and equip people to reach their God given potential.

Our Values

Bible Based

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and as a Church, we aim to be Bible based in all we do.

God Centered

We believe that God deserves the best so we aim to love, seek, serve, and praise Him with all our hearts. We aspire to be like Jesus, our Saviour and example. We believe in, and depend upon the Holy Spirit’s power to inspire, direct, empower and transform lives. We believe in prayer and through prayer, partner with, and rely upon God to see His Kingdom come and His will done.

Kingdom Focussed

We believe in the Church and endeavour to build a sense of family where love and care are demonstrated, where a culture of grace is displayed and people are welcomed, regardless of their race, social standing or past. We believe in a culture where excellence is practiced, generosity is encouraged and where honour, integrity and transparency are evident. We believe in a Church community that lives everyday life with enjoyment, authenticity and wholeness.

People Empowered

We believe that God wants everyone to enjoy a personal relationship with Him and grow into a mature follower of Jesus. We believe in a congregation where everyone is valued, growing, serving and connected. We believe in marriage and the importance of the family. We believe that people of all ages have a role to play in the life of the Church. We believe in encouraging God’s people to be creative, innovative, resourceful and purposeful.

Community Minded

We believe in reaching our community so we endeavour to serve, love and help our community, in practical and relevant ways. We believe in the power of the Gospel to transform both individuals and communities and we also endeavour to improve the quality of life for people of need within the community.

FOUND Church is a contemporary Pentecostal church and is a member of the Assemblies of God UK. Therefore, we subscribe to the Statement of Faith of the Assemblies of God UK. This Statement of Faith is not intended as a creed for the Church, but as a basis of unity for Assemblies of God ministers and churches (1 Cor: 1:10). For the Assemblies of God UK’s full constitution, history, leadership and statement of belief, please visit: